Superheroes can be a highly competitive bunch. If they want to get featured on all the news shows and newspaper articles, they have to get to the crime scene first!
That’s what this game is all about...
Players Needed: 1 player per team (as many teams as you like), game counters (the amount depends on the speed of the game..the faster the game, the more game counters you’ll need)
Items Needed: Inflatable Dice (1 per player),
(optional) Heroic 30 Second Game Countdown, (optional) Heroic 60 Second Game Countdown
Instructions: Invite your players to line up across the stage or front of your presentation area (if you are socially distancing, you can spread them out as far as you can fit or even have them remain in their seats).
Each player receives an inflatable die.
A predetermined number is told to them or appears on-screen.
When the game leader gives them the signal, the players have to roll the die. The game counters keep track of the number that each player rolls. The first player to reach the pre-determined amount wins.
Notes: This game can be played in several other iterations depending on how you want to use the game within your activity or service:
1 Timed: Players have 60 or 30 seconds to reach the pre-determined number. The player that reaches it first or has the highest number in the allotted time wins. This makes this a very high-paced game and will likely require one game counter per player. (The game counter can be a leader/volunteer or someone selected from the audience.)
*Check out our Heroic 60 Second Game Countdown or Heroic 30 Second Game Countdown to add some flair to this iteration of the game.
2 Review: The players are given the opportunity to answer a review question based on your lesson/sermon/teaching. The player who answers the question correctly can roll his or her die. The first player to reach the pre-determined number wins.
3 Rounds: The players have 3 or more rounds in which they can roll their dice. The game leader will give them a signal to roll their dice each round. This game can be slow but can allow for some fun interactions between the game leader and the players between each round. This iteration can be done with only one game counter which could be the game leaders themselves.
Make sure to download our free Superhero Rush Hour! Slides with the instructions and numbers built in. All you have to do is drag the slides into your presentation software and you’re ready to go!
This game is part of our Superhero Month. Check out all the other cool Superhero ideas, resources and products by clicking here.
Are there any other iterations of this game that you can think of? Sound off in the comments!
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