Superhero Training Academy - 4 Spiritual Habits Object Lessons
Back in 2014, I wrote this series of object lessons for my first website. Here they are in all their glory!

All good superheroes need some good instruction and training. The Superhero Training Academy is the place to go for the best in superhero scholarship. It's designed to help you put the right habits and disciplines into place to ensure that you can be the hero you were created to be.

Verse: “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

Every superhero needs super strength. Whether it’s to throw steel beams, lift cars or pulling a squad of Girls’ Scouts out of harm’s way, super-strength is indispensible.

Superman got his strength from the sun. Spiderman got his strength from a radioactive spider-bite. We get our super strength from hearing and learning God’s Word.

The super strength that comes into our lives through God’s Word is often referred to as “faith.” Faith is an unshakeable belief that God created you, cares for you and deserves to be honored.

It’s this super strength that coursed through David’s veins when he stared down a giant. It’s this super strength that gave a young servant girl the courage to seek out a prophet when her master became leprous. And it’s the super strength that fills us with the boldness we need to withstand temptation, live a godly life and share Jesus with our friends.
Verse: “Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.“ – 1 Chronicles 16:11
(A mash-up of sounds plays in the background.)

Do you hear that bird singing softly? Listen closely. (Slowly, the other noises drown away. The bird continues to sing softly.)

That bird had been singing all along, but we had to train our Super Hearing to listen to that sound above the others.

Prayer is a lot like Super Hearing. It’s more than just talking to God or asking things from Him. Prayer is learning to acknowledge God’s presence and listen to His voice.

A lot of times we get distracted with our schedules or concerns and when our lives get really busy, we forget that God is there, waiting to hear from us and speak to our hearts.

Prayer helps us to focus on His voice and allow everything else to fade away.


Verse: “For forty days and forty nights he fasted and became very hungry.” Matthew 4:2

Heat vision. Cooling vision. X-ray vision. The best superheroes have vision that is enhanced through their superpowers. Superman’s vision is like a smorgasbord of enhanced abilities.

Fasting is when we give up something in exchange for spending time with God. When we do this, God enhances our vision. When we read His word as we’re fasting, we see it come to life in a new way. Fasting also helps us to see God’s presence and work in our lives in ways we might not realize otherwise.

Fasting gives us a special enhanced spiritual vision that helps us to focus our sights on God.


Verse: “And let us not neglect our meeting together…” Hebrews 10:25

Captain America is great at throwing shields and all, but what happens when an arrow needs to be shot. That’s when his buddy Hawkeye steps in. What if some witty banter needs to be spoken through a metallic voice box? Here comes Iron Man!

All of the great superheroes have been, at one point or another, affiliated with a team of super-powered co-conspirators.

Being part of a group of believers is an important part of being a Christian. It provides the accountability and fellowship that’s necessary to stay focused on our walk with God and the boost we need to overcome times of discouragement and difficulties.

This game is part of our Superhero Month. Check out all the other cool Superhero ideas, resources and products by clicking here.

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  • Oct 27, 2020
  • Category: Ideas
  • Comments: 4
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