Supplies: Large colorful bean bag chair
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Easter is one of the most important ministry Sundays of the year. And something so important requires the presence of an important official.
This idea will create a festive environment for your Easter morning kids church as well as give you a chance to celebrate one or more of your exceptional students.
The Mayor of Easter will be selected based on a challenge throughout the Easter season. This challenge can be based on behavior/participation, memorizing Scripture, inviting friends, etc.
For Easter Sunday, you will place a large, colorful bean bag chair in a prominent location in your kids church environment. At the start of your service, the Mayor of Easter will be invited to sit on that chair and they can be called upon to do things like pass out prizes, judge games, lead short segments, etc.
This article is a part of our 50 Easter Ideas for Kids Church series. See the other ideas in this series to ensure that your Easter kids church services are amazing!
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